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The young at heart live in a place just west of winter..

Forever daring ~ Fearlessly creative ~ Illuminators of all things positive ~ Seekers of wisdom ~ Stubbornly optimistic ~ Emotionally connected ~ Grateful ~ Jesus lovers ~ Lovers of the earth ~ Ponderers of new ideas ~ Admirers of nostalgia. West of winter, where chronological age is not prerequisite for coolness, nor validity for worthiness. Conformity is not the goal here, being who God made you to be is. We proudly stand out in the crowds, we live in the moment. We do not define ourselves by what others think of us.... We love ourselves for who we are. 

Our mission is to "inspire you to self-expression" through our artwork, jewelry, gifts & textiles.

Our message is intimately centered around the importance of self-acceptance, more importantly, the freedom to discover & love who you are, no matter the circumstance. We feel adamant that Art should evoke happiness & fill the viewer with Positivity while bringing style to your space in a gorgeous way. We all are what we focus on, always make it good and fill your nest with what you love!  

Here in the rolling hills of Madison County, Iowa, we begin this little shop with big plans for the future. Thank you for shopping here & being part of our journey. We hope that what we create can be a part of your journey too.

with much love,

patricia & lauren